
Archive for the ‘RTW’ Category

Travel Scams to Pay attention: The fake tourist and the fake policeman scam

In Travel Scams to Pay attention on October 13, 2009 at 00:20

This scam has come to my attention through a friend:

“The Fake Policeman Travel Scam is one of the most successful travel scams. Fake policeman can operate in counterfeit uniforms or plain clothes and prey on a traveler’s fear of imprisonment or their desire to trust an authority figure in a foreign land.”

“Follow these tips to spot a fake policeman and protect yourself from one.”

“Note apparent accomplices. Fake policeman often have accomplices in plain clothes. Some of these accomplices act like tourists and strike up conversations with you. A typical scenario is that a fake policeman will request a passport and a wallet from the other tourist to check for counterfeit money. When you hand over your passport and wallet, they run.”

For more information about this type of scam in ways to detect it check this link from ehow,  The Fake Policeman travel scam

More on next posts.

MY RTW trip

In RTW on October 12, 2009 at 16:43

TEDster Stefan Sagmeister has made a presentation at TED speaking how the sabatical year he takes every 7 years benefits his work.  He also presents some other people  that have benefited from their sabatical year and companies who benefit from giving time to thei employees to do whatever they like.

This post starts a new category “MY RTW trip” and shows my commitment  to this trip, expecting it has the same positive impact has the one this TEDster seems to have experienced in terms of creativy.