
How to start reading today (and never stop)?

In 2008 on February 25, 2008 at 02:46

Have you ever wondered why you cannot read all the books that interest you? Here is a way to read everyday.

Since my last year at university, I have been reading every night before going to bed.

The benefits of this habit are several, here are some:

– Great variety of topics to promote in a conversation;

– A sense of constant development in the areas of your interest;

– Ideas!

-An healthier Brain – Reading is a great way to keep your brain healthy. See here.

Establishing this habit was easier than establishing other habits into my life.

Here is what you can do to start reading frequently?

1- Start reading every evening before going to bed.

Pick a time of total relaxation and without time pressure so you can enjoy the book better and extend your reading when the book gets interesting.

2- Define a number of pages to read every night.

You can define two thresholds:

a) one for the majority of the days;

b) the other for times when you are more tired than usual.

For example, I read at least 5 pages at night when I am with good energy levels and a maximum of 3 pages when I am tired.

By defining what your minimum objectives are you always know what you have to do to maintain the habit.

3- Ask some advice to family and friends about interesting books that they have read and think it is appropriate for your taste.

4- Read all the bestsellers you can put your hands on.

If a lot of people bought it (at this time you should be interested on keeping the habit going that you should read anything that is a easy and entertaining), it is probably an entertaining book that you can easily finish reading and keep your new habit.

5- Make sure you always have reading material available.

After receiving the book recommendations from your family and friends, visit the bookstore and buy at least 5 of them. You can also borrow the books. The important thing is to have at least one book in the queue of books. Having a queue of books to read while reading your current book will make you finish the current one faster. It will also remind you that the only thing you need to do to keep your habit going, is to stretch your arm to get the next book (can’t get easier).

6- Put the the books you have read in a pile that is visible to you.

It is wonderful when I go to a library with someone and point to 10 different books that I have read. Having all the books that you have read in a visible spot that you can easily see, will remind you of the different stories and subjects that you didn’t know and this habit has allowed you to learn.

This habit will gradually be embebed into your routine that you will be able to read any kind of book without loosing focus on the benefits of keeping the habit.

  1. […] Giving priority to the selected book over other reading materials (blogs, papers, websites, magazines, etc…) it is probably the best way to secure the daily time to read your selection (assuming you already have a reading routine). If you still don’t have a non-work reading routine you can read more about how to start one  here. […]

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